Navigating the increasing complexities of talent mobility

人才流动 considerations and costs are escalating. Organisations need mobility that delivers business value while containing costs. 更复杂的是,现在很多员工都是 期待 灵活性和远程工作. 这一切对人才流动意味着什么, expatriate management and international assignments in general? Leverage 美世’s expertise, data and technology to help you navigate that complexity. 

41% of C-suite executives believe the fundamental shift in business requires a reset on work, 劳动力, 工作场所, 29%的高管希望抓住这个机会,重新构想他们的国际轮岗.


The pandemic has accelerated changes in global talent mobility trends and practices. In volatile times, companies are having to rethink their talent mobility strategies. 

其中一个主要考虑因素是平衡成本与职业发展需求和组织需求驱动的员工流动性. According to 美世’s 2020 Worldwide International Assignment 政策及实务 survey, high costs remain among the main obstacles to talent relocation. 

公司正在寻找机会,用替代方案取代传统的长期任务, 低成本的人才流动形式, 包括: 

98858威尼斯70570方式选择. They now expect to be able to work from anywhere, not just in the country, but in the world. 新的期望意味着移动团队现在需要管理全球分布的员工队伍, 不仅仅是搬迁过程. 


了解不同地区的98858威尼斯70570成本对于公司制定薪酬方案至关重要, and for employees concerned about their purchasing power abroad. 


人才流动 is a complex subject that is driven by: 

  • 短期和长期的业务目标和需求
  • \n
  • 内部政策、技术和流程
  • \n
  • International workforce upskilling and reskilling efforts, and
  • \n
  • 职业管理方面的考虑.
  • \n

美世 have the expertise, data, and technology solutions to manage that complexity. 

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同时, 远程和混合工作——最初是受疫情封锁措施的影响——越来越多地成为许多员工的98858威尼斯70570方式选择. They now expect to be able to work from anywhere, not just in the country, but in the world. 新的期望意味着移动团队现在需要管理全球分布的员工队伍, 不仅仅是搬迁过程. 

了解不同地区的98858威尼斯70570成本对于公司制定薪酬方案至关重要, and for employees concerned about their purchasing power abroad. 

人才流动 is a complex subject that is driven by: 

  • 短期和长期的业务目标和需求
  • 内部政策、技术和流程
  • International workforce upskilling and reskilling efforts, and
  • 职业管理方面的考虑.

美世 have the expertise, data, and technology solutions to manage that complexity. 

人才流动 supports the business and the individual 

Strategic talent mobility should benefit the organisation and the individual. 


  • Rightsizing and diversifying the international talent pool: 高效的流动人才管理与国际劳动力调整的决策密切相关, 重塑和再培训. 管理国际人才库和让人们从一个国家迁移到另一个国家一样重要
  • 促进人才多元化: 如果获得国际经验是获得最高管理职位的最佳途径, 女性和少数族裔在外派劳动力中的代表性不足,正在破坏改善多样性的努力
  • 保障权利 领导人才管道 已经就位了
  • 解决关键技能短缺问题 在关键市场
  • 保护关键人才, by deploying them tactically from stagnant markets to more active ones
  • 更广泛地说,使持续的 职能和商业活动的全球化


  • 合适的工作: Not all positions are equal when it comes to boosting employees’ careers. 真正的职业加速器的职位类型取决于公司和行业部门. 全球流动性通过允许高潜力员工在全球范围内获得这些工作而发挥作用
  • 正确的技能: What skills does the employee need to accelerate their career? Is an international assignment (physical or virtual) the best way to acquire those skills? 
  • 合适的社交网络: 接近最高管理层, the opportunity to exchange and learn from the company’s experts, 更广泛地说, 与公司内部那些有资格成为“影响者”的人建立联系的能力是一个区别. 员工(在总部)的位置, in a major regional hub or on the contrary in a small, remote operation) impacts their ability to build an efficient network



Designing a talent mobility strategy that works for you


Using the right data and insights from experience and purpose-built technology, 美世帮助了,800 international mobility clients to design 奖励 packages for 400,全球有5000名流动员工. 


  • 战略和政策设计
  • 补偿及津贴
  • 受让人的经验
  • 政策的基准测试
  • 定制咨询解决方案.


为分布在全球各地的员工设计高效、透明的薪酬方案越来越具有挑战性. 高度多样化的任务类型和灵活的工作安排是复杂的因素, 你的员工价值主张也是如此, which can be a decisive factor in winning or losing the international battle for skilled talent.


帮助你做出明智的决定, our market leading data solutions cover considerations 包括: 


Three main factors compel today’s companies to review their international assignment policies:
  1. New organisational structures focusing on customer needs and lower costs
  2. The different pace of business dynamics around the world
  3. Regional integration and the search for expatriate candidates globally.


  • 流动战略与人才管理  

    The greatest challenges in global mobility are in talent management. 美世 can help you bring together mobility and talent management.
  • 移动政策的设计和更新

    每一项成功的全球流动计划背后都有一项经过深思熟虑的政策,旨在实现企业目标, 受让人的期望和市场机会. 最好的政策读起来就像路线图,将目标与行动联系起来,将行动与结果联系起来. 他们将最佳实践融入组织的整体文化,以保持项目的竞争力和对市场的反应, linking mobility with talent management and reward strategies.
  • 市场基准你的流动政策

    Can you prove that your strategy for rewarding and managing expatriates is working? Are your policies fair compared to what your competitors are doing? Can you document what you need to get support from other decision makers?
  • Mobility policy programme implementation and communication 

    Whether creating entirely new programmes or building on existing ones, 确定这些变化对现有外籍人口的潜在挑战和影响,对于实现平稳过渡至关重要. 

    Three critical areas — alignment, decision making and implementation — need to be considered.

  • 流动人员计划程序审查

    考虑到外派人员的巨大成本, 不主动定期审查其国际外派计划有效性的公司,可能会面临政策执行不力的风险, 幻灭和无生产力的外籍人士, 以及对底线的负面影响.
  • 给刚接触流动性的公司的建议

    Deciding on the types of mobility policies to implement, 以及如何沟通和管理他们已经成为企业走向全球的主要挑战. The first expat packages and terms are typically negotiated individually at HQ, 但当项目的范围和规模扩大时, 在响应不同的位置和任务需求时,经常需要更结构化的方法.
  • 促进多样性、公平和包容(DEI) 

    Moving talent between jobs and between geographies plays a key role in fostering diversity, 公平与包容, and HR teams should be at the forefront of developing a diverse workforce.



To help our clients optimise their domestic relocation programmes, 我们能够利用美世的庞大资源,提供政策专业知识和全面的数据解决方案. 我们的解决方案可让您确保实施具有成本效益和竞争力的政策,并在国内调动员工时计算正确的激励措施.


为您的组织建立适当的、具有成本效益的国内搬迁政策可能是一项复杂的工作. 通过广泛的研究和客户工作, we know that there is not a one-大小-fits-all approach to implementing the right policies.


我们全面的基于云的移动软件解决方案套件为所有移动团队及其全球员工(无论年龄大小)提供数字化和可访问性的好处, 大小, 以及人才流动计划的复杂性, 无论你的预算是多少. 



美世开发了一种解决方案,可以简化国内和国际派遣的人才安置. MMP是一个技术平台, 内置与ServiceNow®合作, 这有助于管理复杂的人才流动计划,将人才流动的各个方面集中在一个地方.

该平台提供了一个交互式的, 可配置的, real-time data and content experience while simplifying workflows, 降低成本, 降低了风险, 跟踪投资回报. Combined with our full suite of consulting services, MMP makes it easier to get the unparalleled support you need in your mobility journey.

Plan and budget efficiently with calculators and cost projection tools, 整合强大的国际薪酬数据.

通过自动化任务轻松管理程序, 综合报告, HRIS和供应商的集成以及我们的移动管理系统提供的更多功能.




    联系 a specialist to discuss 美世’s suite of data, 咨询, and technology solutions dedicated to talent mobility.