How can we build a workforce strategy for an unknown future?
- Analyse the tasks and activities that underpin jobs and workflows.
- Identify tasks that are best suited for automation or redeployment to alternative talent.
- Determine which task delivery can be enhanced through automation or other means including gig work, 内部人才市场, 外包, 共享服务等, and understand the impact on your organisation.
- Create new jobs and workflows based on the new work options.
- Discover the skills you need for more efficient and sustainable operation.
Starting with the work (current and future tasks), not with existing jobs
Considering the full array of work arrangements (such as full-time employment, 零工和自由职业者, 联盟, 联合项目和其他替代方案)
Allowing talent to “flow to work” rather than being dedicated to fixed, permanent jobs
美世 Work Design: 2023 HR Tech Award winner
“With so many employers looking to adopt a skills-first approach, many of them are realising that it's incredibly difficult to go beyond jobs to granular skills insights for decision-making purposes. 为了解决这个问题, 美世 Work Design helps employers to deconstruct, 分析, and reconstruct jobs down to the fundamental skill level. 美世's global expertise in workplace trends, skills and other areas makes this a tremendous offering for future-focused employers."
- Ben Eubanks, Chief Research Officer, Lighthouse Research & 咨询
We deliver hypothesis-driven and evidence-based 转换, underpinned by industry benchmarks and deep analytics to demonstrate the return on investment. Our approach has a number of advantages over traditional and emerging competitors.
以人为本,善解人意. We believe 转换 only works when it’s people-centred. Empathy is our core competency for activating each and everybody for the change.
高级顾问指导. Our senior consultants observe, listen and challenge the status quo. They guide by leveraging decades of experience and globally recognised thought leadership.
实现自我维持. We become an integral part of your team, activating people around us. 紧密合作, we transfer knowledge and digital assets while building the capabilities you need for a successful and sustainable journey beyond our engagement.